Strength in Unity

We feel privileged to present the concept of our solidarity in the form of ALEMAI, Aluminium Extrusion Manufacturers Association of India. Our collective association will work on the vision and mission to bring a dedicated growth in Aluminum Extrusion industry and Nations Economy

Our Vision

ALEMAI vision is “To unite all “Aluminium Extrusion Manufacturers” across India under one umbrella with a singular mission of enhancing their prosperity through ensuring better trade prospects.

Our Mission


"Voice” will be provided by our collective strength. Our chosen representatives will make our voice heard at every forum. The representative will be assisted by technical experts to make a stronger case at different platforms. A collective voice will represent all small, medium and large extruders to bring about a betterment for all.

Future Roadmap

A future roadmap will look beyond the horizon and prepare the extrusion manufacturers for future industrial times, trade practices and technology. We will build a collective future to ensure that India emerges as exporter of Aluminium Extrusion from being importer of Aluminium Extrusion.

Foreign Trades/Export

Assisting the government to create policies that will enhance exports and limit wrongful imports / dumping. Furthermore, we want to express to the government our willingness to compete on global market if given the right conditions and to create them for all aluminium manufactures of India.

Global Standards/ISO

To compete globally, our association will work with government agencies to create standards and procedures suitable for Indian environment and needs. We will adapt global standards of qualities and manufacturing to Indian conditions and work with the government to further improve product quality and manufacturing technology in aluminium extrusion sector.

Technical & Moral Strength

Association will provide a common platform to share technical and business problems alike, and act as a pillar of support for any extruder in need. We will hire technical experts to teach us leading practices in extrusion manufacturing and increase productivity across all aluminium extruders.

Global Exhibition

Through our association, we shall organize “Global Conclaves” right here in India. We will invite manufacturers and consumer companies from across the globe to visit us here and we shall showcase our products to them.

Latest Events

Inauguration of ALEMAI

24 Jul 2023

There was a dream, to create a platform where aluminium extrusion industry could come together and showcase the strength. And in Goa we did just that Attended by more than 200 delegates we inaugurated our logo and hosted the first ever ALEMAI meet.

Core committee meeting Vranasi

02 Aug 2023

Core committee meeting of Varanasi: with blessings from the almighty we started the core committee meeting from the pious town of Varanasi. After seeking lords blessings, office bearers were chosen and a high level agenda was laid out for next 2 years to come.

Technical Meeting JNARDCC

12 Oct 2023

Went to Jawaharlal Nehru Aluminium Research and Development Center to understand the latest of aluminium technology being researched by Govt. Of. India. Esteemed scientist and figure out how to best incorporate those in our own practice.

Upcoming Events

Aluminium Exhibition India

Location : Bharat Mandapam Delhi | Date : August 2025